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nooo GG I got stuck in the final part of the game as is that possible when the boss under the hands I made myself and I got bugged in one of his hands :(
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nooo Bad Luck man

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Big Square is clever, but he’s not that clever. You can press Y to reset to the last checkpoint then jump back over him. 

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Can confirm, this just happened to me and I was mad until I pressed R on my keyboard.

Edit: Just realized I replied to the creator to confirm their statement about the game. Talk about redundant.


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This is my attempt of a SpeedRun xD, what do you think guys? :) Give me a tip or something :)

just do it again and again

all i gotta say lol

Can you actually save the pineapple?

(1 edit) (+1)

Maybe Pineapple is a metaphor. Maybe there's a little Pineapple inside of all of us. May the real rescue of Pineapple is the fleeting moment of joy and ecstacy when you finally beat the game and shout to yourself "YES I DID IT!".

But on a less metaphorical level, no. You can play the sequel though:

In the second game you can save pineapple but not in the first

Como se resetea el juego ya lo termie y lo quiero volver a jugar

debes estar en el menu y en options dale a clear

Hola hermano como estas tu tambien hablas español igual que yo, somos los unicos 😭😭😭

oe ya lo intente pero no se puede resetear

not sure why the numbers repeated themselves.

me atore en un nivellllll


I did not plan to play it a second time, but I ended up doing it ha (by the way, emmm, in the previous game, I ended up discovering a bug, which can skip a difficult middle part, I just wanted to emphasize that).

no se porque lo suigo jugando es muy bueno y difisilisimo

I was saying to myself if they make me come back I don't play XD anymore but I finished it

Can you add a level editor?

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Did it in half my last time! 19:56 with 42 deaths! Such a good game. fr. Now on to the big ice tower.

so i passed the game again, and in record time lol


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First time playing this gg 


liar, i complete the game and this was my first time, if it was your first time you would of taken your time to read every square's message thats to fast to read and complete it

I agree you would also have to do some crazy skips

P.S You dont have the record anymore I do lol

Whats your time?

17mins 26 secs

u got a ss of your run?

en uno de los ultimos niveles falta una plataforma y no se puede pasar de alli

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Such a great little game! The level design is really clever and progresses in difficulty nicely. Awesome work!


i passed it in a record time :)  

help in the antipenultimate floor there is not a platform but in the video if there is.

hi, im not sure what its happening, but when i beat the game and it says ''press backspace to reset all data'' i press it and nothing happens. Its a prank or something? But still, the game is really good and interesting (thats my opinion and my question)

Hi thanks for playing to the end! No prank, just sounds like a bug. Try restarting the game and going into the options where you can reset the game from there. That should work.


Hi, I tried to restarting the game but it just leaved me in the last checkpoint.  And thanks for reply my comment. 

a mi me pasa lo mismo

no encuentro el boton para guardar progreso 

El juego se guarda automáticamente después de cada minuto más o menos. O puede presionar ESC y seleccionar 'Guardar y salir' del menú.

es muy dificil :

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How do i save my progress in the middle of a game?

press esc and select save

Me lo volvi a pasar jajaja

Deja de reirte, pareces un pelotudo, ademas para que te lo vas a pasar una y otra vez, para burlarte de los otros que no pudieron?, la verdad que sos mas que...un enfermito

jajaja es la segunda vez que me lo paso

Es mi primera vez jajaja

Men I guess that there is a bug

Happens litterally after pressing the button and go to the "final" button, I guess that it's a camera bug but IDK (Or simply happens to my laptop)

melo pase despues de dos horas balio cada maldito segundo

moitas grazas!


339 deaths


38:24 108 deaths  Best I've done. I feel proud

Way to go!

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i did it in 1:16:11 AND 368 deaths



theres a glitch where the square moves on its own

That death amount

y wont this save my progges

You have to use the same computer each time











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